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Vicky Peterwald: Dominator
Mike Shepherd
Praise for the Kris Longknife Novels
Copyright Information
Also by Mike Shepherd
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
About the Author
2018 Releases
More Books by Mike Shepherd
Praise for the Kris Longknife Novels
“A whopping good read . . . Fast-paced, exciting, nicely detailed, with some innovative touches.” - Elisabeth Moon, Nebula Award-winning author of Crown Renewal
“Shepherd delivers no shortage of military action, in space and on the ground. It’s cinematic, dramatic, and dynamic . . . [He also] demonstrates a knack for characterization, balancing serious moments with dry humor . . . A thoroughly enjoyable adventure featuring one of science fiction’s most interesting recurring heroines.” - TOR.com
“A tightly written, action-packed adventure from start to finish . . . Heart-thumping action will keep the reader engrossed and emotionally involved. It will be hard waiting for the next in the series.” - Fresh Fiction
“[Daring] will elate fans of the series . . . The story line is faster than the speed of light.” - Alternative Worlds
“[Kris Longknife] will remind readers of David Weber’s Honor Harrington with her strength and intelligence. Mike Shepherd provides an exciting military science fiction thriller.” -Genre Go Round Reviews
“‘I’m a woman of very few words, but lots of action’: so said Mae West, but it might just as well have been Lieutenant Kris Longknife, princess of the one hundred worlds of Wardhaven. Kris can kick, shoot, and punch her way out of any dangerous situation, and she can do it while wearing stilettos and a tight cocktail dress. She’s all business, with a Hell’s Angel handshake and a ‘get out of my face’ attitude. But her hair always looks good . . . Kris Longknife is funny and she entertains us.” - SciFi Weekly
“[A] fast-paced, exciting military SF series . . . Mike Shepherd has a great ear for dialogue and talent for injecting dry humor into things at just the right moment . . . The characters are engaging, and the plot is full of twists and peppered liberally with sharply described action. I always look forward to installments in the Kris Longknife series because I know I’m guaranteed a good time with plenty of adventure.” -SF Site
In the New York Times bestselling Kris Longknife novels, “Fans of the Honor Harrington escapades will welcome the adventures of another strong female in outer space starring in a thrill-a-page military space opera.” - Alternative Worlds
“Military SF fans are bound to get a kick out of the series as a whole.” - SF Site
Copyright Information
Published by KL & MM Books
August 2018
Copyright © 2018 by Mike Moscoe
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.
This book is a work of fiction set 400 years in humanity’s future. Any similarity between present people, places or events would be spectacularly unlikely and is purely coincidental.
This book is written and published by the author. Please don’t pirate it. I’m self-employed. The money I earn from the sales of these books allows me to produce more stories to entertain you. I’d hate to have to get a day job again. If this book comes into your hands free, please consider going to your favorite e-book provider and investing in a copy so I can continue to earn a living at this wonderful art.
I would like to thank my wonderful cover artist, Scott Grimando, who did all my Ace covers and will continue doing my own book covers. I also am grateful for the editing skill of Lisa Müller, Edee Lemonier, and as ever, Ellen Moscoe.
Ver 1.0
eBook ISBN-13: 978-1-64211-0272
Print ISBN-13: 978-1-64211-0265
Also by Mike Shepherd
Published by KL & MM Books
Kris Longknife: Emissary
Kris Longknife: Admiral
Kris Longknife: Commanding
Kris Longknife’s Relief
Kris Longknife’s Replacement
Kris Longknife’s Successor
Rita Longknife: Enemy Unknown
Rita Longknife: Enemy in Sight
Vicky Peterwald: Dominator
Short Stories from KL & MM Books
Kris Longknife’s Maid Goes on Strike & Other Short Stories
Kris Longknife’s Maid Goes On Strike
Kris Longknife’s Bad Day
Ruth Longknife’s First Christmas
Kris Longknife: Among the Kicking Birds
Ace Books by Mike Shepherd
Kris Longknife: Mutineer
Kris Longknife: Deserter
Kris Longknife: Defiant
Kris Longknife: Resolute
Kris Longknife: Audacious
Kris Longknife: Intrepid
Kris Longknife: Undaunted
Kris Longknife: Redoubtable
Kris Longknife: Daring
Kris Longknife: Furious
Kris Longknife: Defender
Kris Longknife: Tenacious
Kris Longknife: Unrelenting
Kris Longknife: Bold
Vicky Peterwald: Target
Vicky Peterwald: Survivor
Vicky Peterwald: Rebel
Mike Shepherd writing as Mike Moscoe in the Jump Point Universe
First Casualty
The Price of Peace
They Also Serve
Rita Longknife: To Do or Die
Short Specials
Kris Longknife: Training Daze
Kris Longknife: Welcome Home, Go Away
Kris Longknife’s Bloodhound
Kris Longknife’s Assassin
The Lost Millennium Trilogy published by KL & MM Books
Lost Dawns: Prequel
First Dawn
Second Fire
Lost Days
Award-Nominated Short Story Collections by Mike Shepherd
A Day’s Work on the Moon
The Job Interview
The Strange Redemption of Sister MaryAnn
It was a lovely spring day. The sky was a clear azure blue you could almost swim in. The cooling breeze brought the scent of the
first buds of the year. On every block stood cheering, smiling people.
Vice Admiral, Her Imperial Grace, Grand Duchess Victoria Smythe-Peterwald, Heir Apparent to the throne of the Greenfeld Empire, waved at the throng lining the street, even though her arm felt ready to fall off. She smiled though her face was in agony.
Still, if she had her way, the eight white horses pulling this golden open carriage of state would be whipped to a gallop to get her to the church faster.
"Thanks be to whatever god or goddess who finally managed to pull this off. I really am getting married," she said, through smiling teeth.
Her Royal Highness, Admiral Princess Kristine Longknife, kept waving and smiling, but through her teeth she said, "Finally getting married? You're not so old that spinsterhood was threatening."
"Spinsterhood, sminsterhood, do you know it's taken a solid year to get this zoo organized and ready for me to walk down the aisle?"
Kris kept waving, but she did raise an eyebrow. "What, did you go all bridezilla on everyone's ass?"
Vicky dutifully kept waving as well, but she was dearly grateful to have Kris seated across from her rather than the Emperor, her father. Of course, they'd had to reinstall the seat Kris sat on, dropping it 15 centimeters. If the Emperor had managed to come, his seat would have been exactly seven and a half centimeters above hers.
Yuck. Vicky did miss her dad, kind of. Still the man was such an attention hog. He wanted to be the bride at every wedding and the cadaver at every funeral. Today was her day, and she was glad not to share it with him.
She was very glad to be sharing it with Kris Longknife. She was also glad that one of them hadn't killed the other. If Vicky was honest, most likely she'd be the one dead.
Vicky almost let an inexplicable laugh replace her smile, but she smothered it. "It wasn't me going bridezilla for a year. No. It was damn near every woman of any social standing in my half of the Empire going mother-in-law ‘zilla on me."
Kris kept waving. "Oh, Lord, you weren't hit with a couple of thousand women as excited as my mom was to plan my wedding, were you?"
"Exactly. I came home from Cuzco hoping to send out invites to folks to set aside a day the next week to attend Mannie's and my wedding, and I got told no one could put on a wedding that quickly. Then everyone got in on the act."
"Well, I admit, this is a lot bigger show than when I and Jack got married."
"Didn't you two elope?"
"Ha. We had most of the Colonials on Alwa at our wedding, though we did knock it together in three or four hours."
"Three or four hours!" Vicky yelped, but carefully, so as not to mar her perfect smile.
"Yeah," Kris said through her smile while constantly waving. "There were a couple of hours when I wasn't Jack's boss. Granny Rita offered to help us grab the bull by the horns, and next thing I know, I'm walking down the aisle in a borrowed wedding dress that's too short and I'm sewn into the bust to tighten it. Jack had to use a bayonet to cut me out."
Kris paused, and Vicky could see her eyes go far away and her smile get soft.
"It was wild, but I loved every minute of it."
With a shake, Kris seemed to refocus on where she was. "That's a lovely wedding dress you're wearing. Be glad my mom wasn't involved in picking it. She was looking at a dress with absolutely no sides for Penny. No sides! You could see her underwear, except the bride wasn't supposed to wear any. I had to talk Mother out of that by letting her choose the bridesmaids’ dresses."
"How'd that work out?"
"I ended up wearing this tiny band around my rump and front, kind of like a daisy with petals that were covering my boobs. Strippers wore more than what I did."
"Oh, God. And I thought my dress was going to be a disaster."
"Your dress looks really classy."
They were passing a stretch with almost no one lining the sidewalk. Vicky allowed her face to relax and her arm to hang at her side. Both hurt.
"There was serious talk that I ought to wear black or ashes and sack cloth. It appears that my misspent youth preceded me."
"You're kidding me."
"Well, those weren't proposed to my face, but my two assassins had hooks into the biddy grapevine and swore it was bounced around. Maybe it was a joke, but . . ."
"Yeah," Kris agreed, herself rotating her shoulders and shaking out the pain in her arm.
"You notice this is not a white dress," Vicky said, patting at the many layers of the skirt piled high in her lap and on the seat beside her. While the low-cut strapless bodice clung to her body like a second skin, from the waist down, the dress exploded in wave upon wave of lace and roses and tulle.
"Lots of brides wear ivory," Kris said.
"Is this ivory or off-white?" Vicky shot back. "Christ, Kris, even the pearls on the bodice aren't white."
"Vicky, I think you're taking this a bit too personally," Kris said, softly. "Could you be having slightly cold feet?"
"We need to start waving," Vicky said, and raised her hand even if the crowd on the sidewalk wasn't that thick.
"It's a lovely carriage we're riding in. Where'd you get all this gold inlaid with jewels?"
"There's no way I would have let them make something like this for me," Vicky spat. "But Metzburg got paid a visit by my grandfather or great-grandfather, and they knocked it together back then to flatter him. I think they hauled it out of a museum or a bank vault and insisted we use it."
"And those eight lovely white horses?"
"That are whiter than my dress?"
"I was trying to avoid that topic."
"Okay. They are lovely, aren't they? Some thirty planets that raise horses had a contest to see who could present us with the whitest horses. These are the six whitest. The rest are drawing the coaches with the rest of my ladies-in-waiting and others in the wedding party."
"You're really going to remember this day."
"Assuming I don't knock the driver off her seat and take off, lashing the horses myself."
Kris couldn't avoid a chuckle at that.
Vicky's mind's eye filled with the image of her, a wild woman in full outrage, standing on Kris's seat and whipping her horses to a gallop, while her dress streamed out behind her.
It didn't look all that bad.
Except then Vicky started hearing a line from a Christmas carol, "On Donner! On Blitzen!" Fortunately, it ended because she couldn't remember the rest of the line.
"Considering that your two tiny assassins are your coachmen, I don't see that happening," Kris said.
Yes, Kit and Kat were up in the boot. One held the reins, the other the whip. No doubt, both had their hands on an automatic weapon. From the way their heads slowly swiveled, Vicky knew they weren't spending a lot of time watching the horses.
Those beasts were not only pure white, but someone had drugged them to be damn near somnolent.
"Yeah," Vicky finally said. "You're right as always. I'm going to that church come hell or high water.
From Kris's throat, a jewel spoke. "Longknife 1, this is Longknife 2. We may have a bomb along the route."
"Talk to me, Megan," Kris shot back.
"There is a rumor that's just arrived here at the command center that someone hid a bomb along the bride's line of march."
"Rumor?" Kris snapped.
"It's being evaluated. At first blush, it's a case of he heard, she heard, someone else heard. You know, that sort of thing."
Vicky had sat bolt upright at the word ‘bomb’. What she heard from Kris Longknife's cousin and dog robber didn't relax her back into her seat.
Apparently, it didn't do the same for the Magnificent Nelly, either.
Suddenly, the large, lovely, and bejeweled tiara surrounding Kris's upswept hair began to dissolve into small drones. The four fancy starbursts and crosses of various orders Kris had earned the hard way that bejeweled her bodice also proved to be Smart MetalTM. They collapsed in on themselves and disappeared from the lovely blue sash that draped from
Kris's shoulder to hip. Quickly, the drones flew off, only to disappear into vapor as they themselves dissolved into miniscule nano scouts.
For the moment, however, most of them stayed drones as they raced for the head of the procession and beyond.
"Are you searching all up and down the cavalcade?" Vicky asked.
"They're all your subjects," Kris noted, pointedly.
"I know. I know. While I've been twiddling my thumbs waiting to marry Mannie, he's been busy seducing me to the democratic side. We've got a major infestation of popular sovereignty and democratic rule."
"It couldn't happen to a better empire," Kris said with a grin.
The coach rumbled forward on its iron tires at a sedate horse walk, then took on a decided wobble.
"You're Imperial Grace," one of the assassins in the coach's boot said, "we are told that one of our wheels is in danger of rolling off. See how people are pointing at it?"